Girl with great looking lips

Makeup “Pushup” – How to Get Great Looking Kissable Lips

One way to get bigger and more “kissable” lips is through a surgery which can be rather painful, and next thing you can try are collagen injections. If on the other hand you are not fond of those two methods you can try some of the makeup tricks below – your lips will look much better without use of any needles or surgical procedures, it all comes down to lips makeup.

Girl applying lip liner on her lips

Lip Liner

Lip liner can be used in more than one way to improve your lips looks. Be sure to use any lip scrub before applying lip liner – just to get rid of any dry skin from your lips. You can use it with or without lipstick, and you can cover your whole lips with it or just outline them as it is originally intended. If you are not using lipstick you should consider applying lip gloss. If you have rather thin lips, lip liner is a must to outline them. Be sure to blend lip liner to color of your lips then apply gloss or lipstick. Another good thing about lip liner is it stays on your lips not on your glass or anywhere else, unlike lipstick.

Lip gloss and coffee cup on a table

Lip Gloss

You should preferably use wet look gloss to make your lips more noticeable. There is also lip gloss with shine available today – perfect for small lips. The goal is to give you ultra-bright effect and again make your lips bigger than they actually are. The color is also important, you can find lip glosses in different colors today – some do and some don’t completely cover your lips color, so pay attention to pick matching gloss color, just don’t pick dark color, it will make your lips look even smaller.

Collection of lipsticks in different shades


Same as with the lip gloss, pick one that gives your lips extra shine. It’s also important to buy yourself a “wet” look one. When it comes to picking color – dark and opaque lipstick will make even the biggest pair of lips look small, as already mentioned above, forget dark colors! Even red lipstick can harm you, but if you must wear red be sure to pick some lighter tone. You should also keep in mind one more thing that lighter colors will require more eye makeup!

Girl applying Lip Balm on her lips

Lip Balms

In order to keep your lips look more natural you should always use balms. Those will nourish your lips and will keep your lips fresh and looking better & bigger. You can also try some of homemade remedies such as Lemon or Beetroot juice, no need to drink those, just apply them on the skin. You can also use Olive Oil – it nourishes skin and makes it soft and tender.

All things said above are no secret. There are those of us who would do anything to get bigger lips but can’t afford or simply don’t want unnatural remedies. With a little care and a few makeup tricks we can give ourselves bigger and much more “kissable” lips.


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