A woman cleaning windows wearing mask and goggles

5 Home Improvements to Make If You are Dust Allergic

Dust can be caused by an allergic reaction from tiny particles in the air that come from things like carpet or upholstery fabrics as well as dander from pets such as cats and dogs, household mites and mold spores among other sources. The symptoms of dust allergy include sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes – not to mention asthma-like reactions in some cases.

Dust may prevent you enjoy your home which has been worked hard on maintaining. It might also stop you outside on nice days too!

Home Improvement Ideas for Dust Allergic People

Dust allergies are a common problem for many people and finding ways to reduce the amount of dust in your home can be essential.

In this simple guide, we will share some easy steps you can take to create a less dusty environment at home.

1. Purify Your Air

Dust may be an issue in your home that you might not have considered. Dust can get into clothes and furniture, collect on the floor as well as settle inside of air ducts or crevices to cause clogging and stay there for years until it’s cleaned up.

To avoid this problem, try opening windows if any outside airflow is present. Consider purchasing a high-quality air purifier which will filter out particles from indoor air, so dust allergy does no longer bother you.

2. Ensure That Your Air Conditioning and Heating Filters are Replaced on a Regular Basis

Your air conditioning and heating vents are a powerful vacuum for all the dust in your house. The filters on these units catch many particles that would otherwise circulate around your space or invade other rooms if they were free to go wherever they wanted.

Replace them every three months to avoid getting an allergy, which can be triggered by dusty, clogged-up filters collecting allergens from inside of our home. Especially problematic for people with asthma or another respiratory condition who breathe this stuff in over time.

Vacuum Cleaner on a Wooden Carpet

3. Clean Your Place

Dust is a menace to our respiratory system and can lead to asthma or other allergies. Dust, however, builds up quickly in carpets which ends up being tracked all over the house causing more dust build-up elsewhere.

To avoid developing an allergy from dust mites or other contaminants, it’s important that once per week you clean your space therefore lessening your chance of developing an allergy by not having impurities living inside dusty spots.

4. Remove All Unnecessary Clutter

The smallest particles that can trigger an allergic reaction in a person who is sensitive to them. Dusts are so small you cannot see or feel them with your naked eye unless they have built up into mounds on top of things like bookshelves and furniture.

With this being said, there’s one surefire way we all should follow when dealing with these tiny presences: minimize clutter at home as much as possible by keeping surfaces clean through daily maintenance tasks.

5. At Least Once a Week, Wash Your Bedding

Dust accumulates quickly on furniture and in the air from open windows or fans that cause you to sneeze all night long. Dust can be deadly, but it is easy to avoid with a simple bedding washing. Washing your sheets is important for more than one thing, and if dust isn’t enough of an incentive, allergies might be what gets you into action.

Killing dust has many benefits including less allergies. Failing to do so could mean living an allergy-filled life of constant head congestion, watery eyes, itchiness around your nose and mouth.

Cushions are placed on a couch

6. Clean Your Couch Cushions

Dust mites live in your mattress and pillows, but they also love dark corners where humidity is high. That’s why couches with lots of pillows always have more than beds because their little nooks make it easy for the allergens to hide out there.

To keep them under control when you vacuum up all those fibres on a regular basis or use warm water so that you don’t shrink the fabric or ruin any foam inside, take care not to miss these hidden havens.

The best part is, you may not even know that dust allergies are a factor in your life. It doesn’t matter how many times you wash your hands or put on gloves to clean up the mess, the allergens will still be there and can make you miserable. You don’t have to live with this problem any longer! Try some of these home improvements for people who suffer from dust allergies and finally breathe easy again.


This is a guest article by Mark Johnson.


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