Two pilots sitting in the cockpit

10 Reasons to Date a Pilot

So what do you do? This is a question asked within minutes of meeting somebody new. We can pretend that occupation doesn’t matter but let’s be honest…

“I’m a Pilot.”

Now hold! What are your thoughts on this? Did you get a bit warmer? Heart skips a beat? In my opinion this is a fair response and I’m going to tell you why.

1. They’ve got guts.

The pilot profession attracts a certain someone and that someone is probably not chicken to go where others hesitate. Are pilots afraid of heights? Maybe, but you’d never know because they’ll ascend 45,000 feet anyhow.

2. They’re like well-dressed fishermen…in the sky and without exaggerations about their big catch.

Navigating the sky, traveling the world… it adds a dash of color to dinner conversation. At some dating websites it’s obvious; those who lead interesting lives have interesting things to say.

Whether your pilot is the life of the party or a bit more soft-spoken, they’re not dragging anyone down with dull dialogue.

3. They know how to do two (and more!) things all at the same time.

Our sources say that the cockpit is no stroll in the park. Every day pilots are essentially,

“Operating a multi-million dollar piece of machinery which nearly defies the laws of physics in order to get from point A to point B.”

Ah yes, the ability to multitask.

We seek this in our mate throughout many avenues of life like the bedroom, the bedroom and especially the bedroom.

4. They know how to brave the storm.

We can pretty much all agree that flying is good. And the same can be said about relationships, yes? It’s all fine and dandy! However we’re grounded enough to know it can’t be clear skies and sunshine every waking moment.

Pilots know the value of taking a deep breath and working out the best way to move forward. Keep calm and carry on, if you will.

5. They dress sharp and they know it.

We all know it.

This has been said before and I’ll say it again… the pilot uniform is hot. Every Halloween we’re bombarded with wannabe pilots over sexing the sex symbol they’ve become. But let’s dive deeper.

Along with fitting snug in the nice places, uniforms indicate a few things; Power. Responsibility. Skill. Something primitive stirs…is it the evolutionary jackpot?

6. They give great gifts.

You know that full, warm feeling resulting from giving an amazing gift to someone you care about? Pilots must love it! Famous for their gifts from all corners of the globe, as significant other you (yeah you!) are in the prime position to receive something incredible.

7. They respect themselves.

As I seduce you with stories of pilots and generosity, let me give you some other good news; they’re not the typical type to lie down (too long) at your feet.

This comes with the personality of your problem solving, multitasking love interest. They respect themselves. As two whole, self respecting humans your relationship has a fine forecast of being balanced and strong.

8. They can read the signs.

Sometimes you want something but you don’t say it directly. Let’s ignore the psychology behind this and conclude that it’s OK to be coy! If your current beau is blind to your more subtle signals think about this; trained to notice the swiftest switch, the barely detectable nudge… pilots are in tune.

9. They take responsibility.

Sometimes described as Type A, pilots are responsible for the safety of hundreds at time. As such, they aren’t one to leave you out in the rain. No way! Don’t expect to get lost, go hungry or be kept waiting when a pilot is involved.

OK so unpredictability does have its place in a relationship but that should NOT be the defining characteristic! If you’ve got a messy history with the lesser-prepared professions, you better prepare to be amazed.

10. They can help get you there…and there… and there!

It’s similar to having a boyfriend (or girlfriend) with a car when you were 16. The vehicle comes to represent mobility, freedom and adventure. Getting older, the world gets bigger and so does the car. Some upgrade to plane and they’ve got a license to fly! And most of their friends…they can fly too!

At this point (for your sake) I hope you’ve already got a pilot on lock, or you’re single and ready to brave the skies. Now, keep both eyes open. Your pilot may just appear out of thin air…


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