Couple dating each other on a beach

Are You Using the Best Dating App? Find Out Now!

Dating apps make it easier than ever before to connect people, which is why they are rising in use throughout the country. In fact, 15% of Americans have used online dating in general and 9% have used dating apps on their cellphone, according to a Pew Research Study in 2016.

A particularly interesting finding of the Pew study was that the two demographics who have increased their dating app usage the most are those 18-24 and 55-65. As long as internet dating has been around, neither of these two age groups have had much use for it. But dating apps are revolutionizing the way we meet people, and shifting attitudes toward online dating in general plays a role.

How to Choose a Dating App?

Finding success through an online dating app means choosing the right app in the first place. Although it’s possible to have multiple profiles on many apps, it’s much easier to find the best dating app and focusing your energy on one profile. But the app that’s right for me is not necessarily the app that’s right for you! Here are some features to look for when choosing an app.

Search Options

According to World Bank, the adult population of the United States was 242,470,820 in 2014. If 15% have used dating apps, there are potentially over 36 million profiles for you to consider. The right dating app will have lots of search options so that you can narrow down that search. It’s important to know you’ll be able to search by sexual preference, gender, age, and geography.

Added search options can also be very helpful, such as searching by religious beliefs or political leanings. Online dating is a great way to meet people from different areas of the world and different cultures than you; however, if you know what attributes you’d like your potential mate to have you can save time by searching just for those traits.

“Friend” Dates

Dating apps have been adapted to fill a void that many people are having trouble filling in our age of digital connections: finding new people to make new friends. The same features that make it easy and exciting to meet new potential romantic connections can connect people who are just looking for new people to spend time with.

A girl looing for a real date

Social Media Means Real People

Apps like Tinder require users to connect their profiles to their Facebook profile, which means that people are more inclined to tell the truth and represent themselves in an honest way. After connecting with someone, you can check against their Facebook profile that they are who they say they are.

Some users find this to be a downside because they’d rather browse more anonymously or fear the stigma attached to dating apps by some demographics. There are plenty of options that don’t require social media as well. But if you are considered about safety this feature can relieve your anxiety.

GPS Capabilities

Dating apps with GPS features such as OkCupid are becoming more popular. These programs connect you with other users based on your GPS locations, alerting you with other users are nearby. This means that users who are uncomfortable sparking up a conversation in a chatroom can have real life interactions instead.

Dating Apps for Everybody

Usage of dating apps is on the rise. The tripled use of dating apps by young people reported by Pew is a sign of changing attitudes about dating apps. If you’re ready to get started, the last piece of information to look at before choosing which dating app is right for you is this SurveyMonkey Intelligence Page. Here, dating apps have been broken down by where and who are using them most. For example, Bumble and Tinder are more popular with young people while First Meet and Zoosk are more popular with older crowds.

Keep these factors in mind and you will be able to decide which dating app is right for you. Whether you choose to use the app to find your future spouse, your next date, or even your best friend, dating apps are a lot of fun and help you meet people you probably would have never met before the app.


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