A wooden Gavel

Most Common Reasons to Sue Someone

Looking to sue someone? Or, being sued yourself? The practice of suing is more common than you would think. This article will look at some of the most common reasons to sue someone.

Compensation for Damages

The most common reason to sue someone is if you have been injured and need financial compen-sation. For example, in a car accident, medical expenses can be very expensive without the right insurance coverage. If you are unable to work because of your injuries – and your lost wages aren’t covered by worker’s comp – you may be able to sue the other driver to compensate you for your damages.

Personal Injury

In the U.S., it is illegal to physically hurt another person, and this includes hitting someone with a car or injuring them in an accident at work. If someone has caused you harm, then you can sue them to seek financial compensation for your damages. You can even sue if you slip and fall in a public place. How much is a slip and fall case worth? A lot more than you would imagine!

Enforcing a Contract

If you lent someone money and they refuse to pay it back as promised, or if you signed an agree-ment that wasn’t upheld, then you can sue the other person.

Breach of Warranty

If you purchase a product that isn’t fit for its intended puLegalrpose or lacks the features described, then you may have grounds to sue.

Product Liability

If a product you use causes an injury or illness, then you may be able to sue the manufacturer. This can include baby products and pharmaceuticals, as well.

Property Disputes

If someone has taken or damaged your property, you may be able to sue the other person. If some-one trespassed on your property or polluted it with toxic waste, then you can seek damages for your losses.


If you are unable to agree on a settlement with your spouse, then the court may need to divide up property and assign child custody.

Custody Disputes

If you can’t agree on a custody arrangement with the other parent, then you’ll have to go to court. Usually, the court will seek what’s in the best interest of a child and make decisions based on that.

Replacing a Trustee

If you are the beneficiary of a trust, and you can’t agree with the trustee on how to handle your in-heritance, then you may have to sue for another trustee. This is usually done because the trustee has not acted in your best interest or abided by the terms of the trust.

Slander and Libel

Slander involves making a false statement about someone that is harmful and damaging to their reputation. Libel is the same thing, but it’s written – such as in an article or blog post. If you are slandered or libeled, then you may be able to sue for defamation. You can even sue if someone falsely accuses you of a crime.

Discrimination and Harassment

If you have experienced discrimination or harassment due to the color of your skin, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, etc., then you can sue under federal law. The same thing applies to workplace harassment.


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