Best ways to have an awesome Weekend

10 Ways to Have an Awesome Weekend!

Here are top 10 ideas to have pleasure-to-productive weekends when you are all burnt out post a work-filled week and don’t know where to look for a worthy relief. From visiting monuments and shopping to reading to learning and volunteering, you can find everything here you’ll find your time worth-spending on.

Most of us spend our weekends simply lazing around in our homes or crouching in front of our TV sets and it’s a fact that we do end up cursing ourselves on Sunday evening lamenting the loss of what could have been a wonderful weekend . So, let me give you 10 ways by which you can make your weekends more fun.

1. Go for a Movie or a Play

Try to catch a good movie at the cinemas with your friends, colleagues or family. For those who have already seen everything that’s on offer , I would say head out to watch a drama for it becomes much more interesting when actors actually recite their lines in front of you ; afterwards , you might just want to sign up for your local theater group!

2. Read

Books enlighten you. Pay a visit to the local Public Library and indulge in some reading. Also, the library which you will visit may have some rare books which you probably won’t find anywhere else and you will definitely find some fellow book – lovers as well.

3. Go Visit Some Monuments

You can go for a trip to the historical monuments in your city and get to know your history and culture better. Visiting Monuments will be much more exciting if you are a photography buff or a history enthusiast.

4. Learn

Weekends can be a great way to explore your hidden talents. Sign up for some classes to take on your weekends. From foreign language classes to guitar classes – you can sign up for anything which you feel like learning.

5. Visit an Amusement Park

This one’s for the adrenaline junkies among you – head out to the nearest theme/amusement park and make your weekend rock.

6. Have a House Party

Invite all your friends or colleagues over to your place and have a House Party. If you are into cooking, you can make your friends something delicious and if not, you can just clean up your house, rent some DVDs and order something from the restaurant for your party. Your best friends can even stay back for a sleepover. The best thing about house parties is that they are economical.

7. Shopping

Take your family out for some shopping and explore some new markets or shopping malls in your city.

8. Hit the Road

This is the best way to unwind on a weekend if you are a travel junkie. Head out to the nearest tourist destination with your besties by road. You can also google up some offbeat destinations to head out to; these are usually much more fun and easier on pockets.

9. Volunteer

Weekends are the best time to actually do something for a cause you care about – environment, street children’s education etc. There are a lot of NGO’s and other organizations/movements which work towards these causes and they will be more than happy to have your support.

10. Visit an Old Friend

This is my personal favourite. That primary school friend of yours whom you often reminisce about! How about paying him a visit this weekend? It will make it a memorable weekend for both of you.

Nobody wants to have a bad weekend after a hectic week. The above ideas will do the trick for you & make sure that your weekends will always be fun from now on.


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